DO NOT REFRIGERATE. This may dry out the topper and cause it to crack. Simply keep the topper stored flat in the provided zip-lock bag at room temperature.
Images are printed on an actual layer of icing. The icing is held together by a backing sheet that you will remove before applying the image to your cake. Keep your frosting sheet in its original sealed bag until you are ready to use. They do not need refrigeration! Keep the image at room temperature, out of any direct light. Shelf life of the frosting sheet is about 12 months. THE SHEET ONLY HAS 1 (ONE) PLASTIC BACKING. ONCE THIS BACKING IS REMOVED, YOUR TOPPER IS READY TO APPLY.
Butter cream – Frosting sheets are best if placed on a butter-cream type frosting.
Whipped Cream – Because of the high water content in whipped cream, you should apply the edible image as close to serving time as possible. Any type of frosting that has very high moisture content will tend to cause bleeding. A thin coating of butter-cream can be added where the image is to be placed to avoid bleeding/fading.
Ice Cream Cake – Mist the surface of the ice cream with milk or let soften a bit before applying the edible image.
Fondant – Using a brush apply water where your image will be placed. Water outside the image area will leave a mark on your fondant.
Cookies – There are several ways to adorn decals to cookies. Regular icing, frosting, royal icing, or corn syrup thinned with a little water will adhere the image to most cookies.
Oreo Cookies – Apply corn syrup thinned with a bit of water to the chocolate cookie and place the edible image on top.
Hard candy lollipops – Lightly coat the lollipop with corn syrup thinned with a little water, apply the image on top.
Chocolate – Corn syrup, thinned with a little water, applied to the bar works well or heat the chocolate with a hair dryer for about 20 seconds. Apply the edible image on top.
Images are best applied to light colored icing. Keep in mind that your decal is made from very thin icing, so dark colors may show through your design.
In this case we would suggest putting the image on a thin piece of fondant then onto the cake.
If you are using butter cream or any other harder frosting, the image can be placed on at your convenience, but not more than 48 hours prior to the event. Depending on how wet your frosting is, the image will begin to fade with too much moisture. If you are concerned about fading, place the image on the cake within an hour of the event.
Do not let water come in contact with the edible image before or after on the cake. The sheet will melt and ruin the print.
Start with clean, dry hands.
Your frosting should not be dry. If it becomes dry apply a fine mist of water over it before applying your frosting sheet.
Remove your image from its backing sheet by gently placing it on a table edge or counter top with the image facing up and roll the backing sheet firmly over the edge of the table to loosen your image.
Lay the edible image sheet on top of your cake by holding ends and gently applying from the middle first, to the ends. Gently smooth out the edible image making sure the edges are touching frosting. If you are applying edible image strips to the sides of your cake, follow the same directions. If needed, you can trim the cake decals with sharp scissors on or off the backing sheet. When applying the last strip you can trim the end to fit.
Add border or edge decoration of your choice to finish.
Removal of sheets that seem to stick to backing sheet:
Pull backing sheet over the sharp edge of a tabletop a couple of times. This technique will help to pop the image off the backing sheet.
If this doesn’t work, the humidity is too high. Exposure to high humidity may cause the frosting sheet to absorb moisture and stick to the baking, making them difficult to peel.
If you experience this do not try to peel the icing sheet away. It’s likely to cause tearing.
Try the following:
Lay the sheet on a pan and place it in a warm dry oven at about 85F, for about 8-10 minutes after which the image will usually peel easily from the backing sheet. (This method really works best) or
Use a hair dryer on the front and reverse sides of the backing sheet. Dry it on high in circular motion for about 60 seconds each side. Do not dry it up close. Repeat if necessary until the sheet stiffens slightly. Then it’ll be easy to remove the backing.
Place the frosting sheet into a DRY freezer for about 30 seconds. In high humidity you may need to leave it in for longer, about 1-1.5 minutes. It should be removed immediately after taking it out from the freezer.