The edible image was beautiful. The colors were vibrant and the design was clear. The packaging was amazing.
Thank you
Fee asked asked about the cake, the only complain I have is I wish it was a bit smaller so I don’t have to trim. In the end, it was still a bit over for Costco size half sheet cake. Perhaps it could be tad smaller.
Looks amazing and even thoigh it was lost in transit they managed to send us new one just on time!
Topper image was better than I expected. However it had no sweet flavor, so it did not taste good. We saw eveyone pulling it off their slices. Thank goodness, the cake was delicious. Bought a 1/2 sheet size for a 1/2 sheet cake with the decorated ribbon, cut the topper to fit. Paid for expedited shipping ($75 total), and it arrived exactly on time. Would order again if I flavoring is improved.